The IHK Munich has a nice set of mini-conferences that they are doing as part of their digitalisation initiative “Pack ma’s digital”.
The last one I attended was on Digitalisation and Sustainability.
The format was fun with a few initial speakers who spoke for 20 minutes each. There was a break followed by speakers who were pitching their products and services with 10 minutes each.
I liked the keynote from Rainer Karcher from Allianz Technology. He is the Global Head of Sustainability at Allianz. He was filled with energy and his explanation using reduce Footprint, increase Handprint and ensure Heartprint got me hooked. I also liked the fact that Allianz identified 5 SDG Goals to focus on and then is working to deliver on them.
I also liked the way the Raifeissenbank in Starnberg had identified transport to be their sustainability driver. It is interesting that Manuela Seeholzer talked about reducing the effect of carbon footprint by sharing transport instead of compensating.
I got motivated to do two things:
- Identify a few SDG goals like Allianz and focus on them
- Understand my private and business carbon footprint and see how to reduce it
This website from the government helps with a Self-Check to understand the carbon footprint that one has:
CSR – CSR-Self-Check (csr-in-deutschland.de)
What are the SDG Goals that you are planning to help as an individual or company?
Digitalisierungsinitiative der IHK (ihk-muenchen.de)
15.11.2023: Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit (ihk-muenchen.de)
THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (un.org)