Agile Leadership

CodeCraft Leadership: Hacking the DNA of Agile Teams 1/3

I had the opportunity to talk at the DevDays conference on the topic of CodeCraft Leadership: Hacking the DNA of Agile Teams.

I split the interactive workshop into 3 parts

  • Company DNA
  • Team DNA
  • Your DNA

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” – George Santayana

It was fun to listen to success stories in a company’s history. We then dived deeper into each success and asked what made it successful. This question helps us understand what the company is good at. These success stories need to be remembered and documented as best practices. These are the reasons why clients keep coming back. This knowledge needs to be in the DNA of existing and new employees.

It was equally interesting to listen to the failures in a company’s history. This helped us understand that documenting the lessons learnt from these failures were crucial. If existing and new employees know about past failures and why they happened, they can find ways to avoid the same mistakes and learn from them.


DevDays, DevOps Pro & CyberWiseCon Europe 2024 (


Managing vulnerabilities with Docker images and NuGet packages

I had some docker containers using .NET 6 SDK and ASP.NET and they started reporting security vulnerabilities in the GitHub Action “TwistLockScan”.

It was interesting to see the clear listing of the CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) in the pipeline log of the “TwistLockScan” (Now called Prisma cloud scan) section.

I had to update the .NET 6 image to the latest SDK and the ASP.NET in my Dockerfiles and my critical vulnerabilities were gone.

I had to update the NuGet packages using Visual Studio (I like the simplified interface to view just packages with vulnerabilities) and my moderate vulnerabilities were gone.

How do you mange your CVEs?


PaloAltoNetworks/prisma-cloud-scan: GitHub action to scan container images with Palo Alto Networks’ Prisma Cloud

microsoft-dotnet-sdk – Official Image | Docker Hub

microsoft-dotnet-aspnet – Official Image | Docker Hub

How to Scan NuGet Packages for Security Vulnerabilities – The NuGet Blog (