I like to put myself in the “Early Majority” part of this graph.
I see my clients sometimes in the “Late Majority” part of this graph and I try my best to convince with the right arguments that it is time to not become a “Laggard”.
We use LTS releases on software when we are working on projects and keep an eye of the Software Lifecycle to ensure that the version is still in use.
If you have a client that is still using Windows 7 then you could possibly be in the category “Laggard” unless you have the “Extended Security Update Year 3”: Windows 7 – Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Docs
If you have a client that is using Windows 10 then you might want them to be using at least the “Version 20H2”: Windows 7 – Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Docs
For example I recently switched to using Windows 11 for my work computer.
This way, I can possibly call myself an “Early Adopter” to kick off 2022!