I attended a workshop run by Johanna from appliedAI in the IHK meetup on October 2023.
One of the discussions we had was for managing bias with AI as a HR professional.
Some of the discussions we had were interesting:
- Will the AI be bias free in ranking the applicants for a job?
- Are humans bias free when they rank applicants?
- Is it ok to use AI for the selection procedure if we inform the applicants in advance of the AI engine and version?
- Will the applicants tweak their applications to get favourable results from the AI engine?
- Should A/B testing be done with a group of HR team members using AI and another group NOT using AI?
- Will the applicant ranked by AI be less bias influenced?
- Can a set of HR rules be established and prompted to the AI to satisfy all or a maximum set of rules while choosing or ranking a candidate?
- Can the rules be changed as an when new HR rules need to be added or changed?
- Can the AI engine be asked to explain the decision workflow while deciding or ranking a candidate?
- Will the decision process itself expose some bias?
I am also looking forward to the EU AI Act on how it will affect the usage of AI in companies:

Link for image on article and slides from AI for the SME sector:
KI für den Mittelstand – die jährliche Konferenz | IHK München (ihk-muenchen.de)
Link to EU AI Act: