Does a Designer belong in an Agile team?

Can we afford a full-time Designer in our Agile team?
Can a part-time Designer answer and react to our changing design needs?
How does the Designer integrate into A/B testing?
Here is an example of how we do it in our team. Maybe it helps you with ideas to integrate a designer in your team too.
- Team contains 3 Developers, 1 DevOps who work full-time and 1 Tester at 50% and 1 Designer at 25%
- Initial stages
- The Designer got used the Corporate Design and technical Design library (ANT Design)
- The Designer came up with design ideas for the Platform and Apps
- During this phase the Developers were building Apps with simple ANT Design components
Development cycle
- Product Owner and Designer brainstorm ideas with wireframing tool of choice (PowerPoint, Balsamiq)
- Designer makes his mockups on the tool of his choice
- Designer gets approval from Product Owner (Sketch)
- Designer shares his design assets with POs and Developers (Sketch)
- Designer publishes mockups on knowledge sharing platform (Confluence)
- Developer adds documentation for interaction points in mockups (Confluence)
- Tester uses documentation for testing of mockups in Testing environment
Design updates
Scrum Team member or Stakeholder provides Design update idea and the development cycle restarts from the beginning
Interesting links and tools:
Open source illustrations:
Balsamiq wireframing:
Sketch Collaborate:
Confluence Knowledge management: