Outsourcing | Team

Are you looking for a balanced way to source agile teams?

  • Moss and Lichens supported the Data Science Team in a German Retail Company with a distributed development team consisting of a Product Owner, Lead Developer, Developers, DevOps, Tester and Designer over 3 years. We moved from Vendor-driven to a Company-driven approach in a phased manner

Have you assessed a product or service that has low strategic value and low availability of in-house capabilities?

  • Moss and Lichens supported the Web Development capability for a Data Science Team in a German Retail company. The Strategic value for the platform was increased over the years. An internal person took over the Web development and the handover was done from the outsourced team to the internal team

Are you ready for a distributed offshore model?

  • Moss and Lichens provides competitive outsourcing options for companies in Germany (with local contact in Munich) with an Agile software partner from India


Give us a call or email us

References: How Agile Outsourcing Benefits Companies | BCG