
Validated Learning Board

Session from Agile Speakers

In the last Agile Speakers session we decided to take the “Validated Learning Board” tool from the “Agile Leadership Toolkit” for a spin.

We had 4 participants but only time for taking one person’s learning from Idea to Validation.

The Idea was “Improve team value generation (team metrics)”.

Basically the idea to come up with team metrics that will add value to team.

In the Refine phase we came up with 2 metrics:

  • % of issues worked on
  • Lead time

In the Build phase we decided to concentrate on 1 metric for the Sprint and closed in on “% of issues worked on”. To simplify things we worked with number of issues instead of percentage.

In the Measure phase we came up with an imaginary 10 issues.

  • 6 of the issues were Sprint goal related
  • 2 of the issues were Ad-hoc
  • 2 of the issues were Bugs

In the Learn phase we had two attendees from the meeting play Happy an Unhappy customer.

Case 1: The Happy customer was happy because 60% of the issues were Sprint Goal related.

Case 2: The Unhappy customer was unhappy because 20% of the issues were ad-hoc and wanted to know why this was not planned beforehand.

Taking “Case 1” further in the Validation phase, the stakeholder appreciated the 20% allocation for ad-hoc and 20% allocation for bugs. This was continued in future sprints keeping the team and stakeholder happy.

Taking “Case 2” further in the Validation phase, the team reduced ad-hoc issues to 10% in the next Sprint and increased the Sprint goal related issues to 70% keeping the team and stakeholder happy.

What I like about the “Validated Learning Board” tool is that we can take epic level items and manage them with a simple workflow:



#10:focus – Validated Learning board for tracking your Product development ideas – Edwin Wopereis (Kramp) •



Making 80 litres of less waste every month!

Here is a challenge that we picked up as a family in the year 2022.

A family of three, we produced 240 liters of non-recyclable waste every 30 days, making full use of the 120 liters waste container that was cleared twice every month.

The challenge accepted by us was to switch the 120 liters bin to a 80 liters one. This called for a scale down of non-recyclable waste output by a good 80 liters every month…

Did we have to change our behaviour? Yes!

A hard insight into our behaviour that was hardened over a decade –  allowed us the following changes:

  1.  Cat food tins of 400 gm capacity were being thrown into the non-recyclable waste after use. Now we started cleaning the tins and recycling them. That was 10 to 12 tins of 400 gm tins no longer taking up space..
  2.  Yoghurt plastic containers were thrown into the non-recyclable waste after use. Now we started cleaning the cups and recycling them. That was 4 of 500 gm  and 16 of 120 gm containers less going into the bin..

How about our Agile teams?

How much waste do we produce at end of every sprint – because we make waste the same way we did for years (or multiple sprints)?

Can we identify means of waste reduction in our teams and transform the identified methods into action?