
List and Kill

Photo by Andras Vas on Unsplash

We were testing a console application run using Windows Task Scheduler on Windows Server.

The application started logging funnily on a loop.

We had to stop it to debug and troubleshoot.

It was not possible to stop a running application from Windows Task Scheduler.

The application was not visible on Windows Task Manager for some reason.

How do you stop the application?

My colleague at work came up with two beautiful commands that I had not used before – “tasklist” and “taskkill”!

Step 1:

Command: tasklist

Get the list of tasks running on the machine. Identify the application to be stopped and note the PID of the application say 8021

Step 2:

Command: taskkill /pid 8021

Kill the task with the specified PID

I just loved the simplicity of the these two commands and added them mentally to my toolbox.

Do you have it in your toolbox?


tasklist | Microsoft Docs

taskkill | Microsoft Docs


Local Guide – Level 6

Level 6 badge from Google

Today after submitting a review, I was awarded Level 6 in the Google Maps Local Guide Program.

Google Maps did not pay me.

Google Maps did not ask me.

Instead Google Maps gamified me.

And I am glad to have been gamified with the following results:

I like to review restaurants. I feel like a Michelin star taster when I appreciate the food in a restaurant. Google Maps gamified my love for reviewing with stars, comments and posting.

I like to take photos. Food photos are a rage in Instagram. Food photography on cook books look great. Google Maps gamified my love for sharing my photos and telling me how many hundreds and thousands of people are viewing my photos.

I like answering questions from a wizard. Especially if they are easy! Google Maps gamified my love of answering questions right after I visited a place.

How many of us have services that we try convincing our clients to use?

How many of us have products that we try convincing our users to use?

Can we gamify our services and products?

Can we transform our clients and users to Local Guides?