Agile Leadership

CodeCraft Leadership: Hacking the DNA of Agile Teams 3/3

I had the opportunity to talk at the DevDays conference on the topic of CodeCraft Leadership: Hacking the DNA of Agile Teams.

I split the interactive workshop into 3 parts

  • Company DNA
  • Team DNA
  • Your DNA

The third question was “What is your 1-3-5 year plan for career growth?”

How many of us know us 1-3-5 year plan? How many of us know the 1-3-5 year plan of our manager? Would the transparency of these plans on both sides make us work better together?

For example, when we discussed the 1-3-5 year plans of the Junior Developer, Senior Architect and CTO – we noticed that there were intersecting interests were each can help the other.

Just imagine instead of one year performance appraisals, we go deeper and understand the 1-3-5 year plans of our co-workers – we could make our workplace a place which leverages each of us towards where want to be.


DevDays, DevOps Pro & CyberWiseCon Europe 2024 (

Agile Leadership

CodeCraft Leadership: Hacking the DNA of Agile Teams 2/3

I had the opportunity to talk at the DevDays conference on the topic of CodeCraft Leadership: Hacking the DNA of Agile Teams.

I split the interactive workshop into 3 parts

  • Company DNA
  • Team DNA
  • Your DNA

The question that I posed to the workshop participants was “Tell us about a product or service from your team that is high on quality and you are proud of”

It takes some help to tease out the things that people are proud of and share it.

We used smileys to be happy, indifferent or not so happy about. This exercise works great when done with teams inside a department.

Those products or services with many smileys are doing something right in terms of marketing, awareness and just delighting the people using it.

Those products of services with not so happy or indifferent smiley need to question themselves on what they could improve.


DevDays, DevOps Pro & CyberWiseCon Europe 2024 (