
Agile Speakers meets for lunch

Lana, Daniel, Stefan and I kicked off Agile Speakers in 2024 at the Schlosswirtschaft Schwaige. The last session of Agile Speakers met for breakfast and we discussed Kural and Testing: Breakfast & Speak – Moss and Lichens. And the time before that we met for Wine & Speak and had Ineke, Mikaela and Vera present a wine and talk about different things Agile: How to fail like a Scrum Master? – Moss and Lichens

Stefan started off sharing ideas from his newsletter.

I liked his premise of using medical terms to explain and diagnose things in the testing world. The discussion around Incident (or Issue) to Defect and journey which takes us there. Is finding and fixing a bug enough? Should we be looking into why the bug happened in the first place? Is there a connection between the nature of the defects and and the nature of the product or service itself?

I liked the way Daniel noticed the Medical Metaphors!

For a more detailed reading of Stefan’s ideas you can read further here: Activity | Stefan Dirnstorfer | LinkedIn

I shared my learnings from the course on Resilience from the London Business School. We had representation from three different domains – Testing, Medical and Online marketplace and it was interesting to see how they reacted with stories from the Strategic, Operational and Behavioral resilience areas.

We talked about how Accenture had identified the trend towards successful outsourcing and how in the Testing domain AI supported test case automation is available. Will products and services survive if they do not keep an eye of the trends?

We talked about how Netflix had anticipated the disruption in online streaming and how in the Online marketplace domain Quoka did verticalisation (vertical specialisation) on pet products.

We talked about how the Covid vaccine was created by companies which had the right conditions for a strategic response based on years of research beforehand.

We talked about how chip manufacturers like Intel at some points need to take care of not just direct risks but also keep an eye on multi-chain risks.

Tech Stack Diagnosis and Resilience kept us busy for 2 hours in this Agile Speakers meetup! What will we discuss next time?

You can join us in the future here: Agile Speakers @ Moss and Lichens | Groups | LinkedIn

Agile Collaboration

Breakfast & Speak

Breakfast & Speak was to meet and talk about things Agile and we did. Stefan (Stefan Dirnstorfer | LinkedIn) and I met at Bar Centrale from 7:30 to 9am. I love the Pistachhio cream croissants. Check them out (Bar Centrale – Münchners beliebteste italienische Bar (

Two things we discussed

The Kural Series is about my commentary on Thirukural couplets related to speech and audience especially with a Public speaking (my passion) angle. It was interesting to hear how Stefan explained the love and deceit concept with his input. Does love exist without deceit? Does one submit oneself to self-deceit to then deceive loved ones? (heavy hitting philosophical discussions fueled by oat milk cappuchinos).

The Testing discussion was interesting as we discussed various aspects of testing

  • why testing coverage alone cannot be the answer to quality needs
  • why we need to identify the value adding features to be tested to find that ROI on testing
  • what is the pain point that forces companies to seriously consider testing

Interested in checking out how Testup can help you with your testing needs?